Friday, January 23, 2015

Useful Git Commands

When I'm working with git, once in a while I found myself searching through google for proper command syntax. For those who struggle like me and for myself, I decided to maintain a command list.

If you are using git for the first time you need to setup git with your email and name.

git config --global ""
git config --global "john doe"

Create a new git repository in current directory

git init

Add created repository in github as "origin" using remote repository url.

git remote add origin

Check current status of the repository.

git status

Add modified files to commit.

git add .
git add file.ext

Commit all modified files or commit file by file with a proper commit message.

git commit -m "commit message."
git commit file.ext -m "commit message."

Push committed files to the origin from master. usually goes like push to <remote> from <master>

git push origin master

Undo your last pushed commit

git push -f origin HEAD^:master

If you need to ignore certain files or folders you need to create a .gitignore file and the folder names as bellow.

#ignore all files in node_modules.

#ignore .ext files.

#but track this file, even though all .ext files are ignored

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